You know you want Nerds Gummy Clusters in your Easter basket
Are Kit Kat Bunnies the secret to taking your basket of candy to the next level? How about Rice Krispies Treats Peeps?

If you’re ranking holidays in terms of best candy offerings, Easter is right up there with Halloween. (I’m not sure if it’s better to go to strangers’ homes and ask for candy or wait for an adult-sized bunny to break into your house and leave some.)
I’ve been on the lookout for fun Easter during my weekly trips to Target. The holiday is still a month away, but here’s what you need to pick up at the store to elevate your baskets above the standard jelly beans (Starburst brand, of course) and Reese’s eggs.
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Rice Krispies Treats Flavored Marshmallow Chicks
Where I found it: Target
What I paid: $2.69 for a 4 oz. pack
My thoughts: Peeps have become a year-round candy, but at their heart, the marshmallowy chicks and bunnies are an Easter candy. They’re available in a slew of colors and flavors now, but it was the Rice Krispies flavor that caught my attention on a Target end cap. How would Peeps capture that classic Rice Krispies flavor and texture and bring it into these sugar-coated chicks? Well, it turns out they really didn’t. To my disappointment, I didn’t get much Rice Krispies flavor in these Peeps.
Final verdict: PASS*

Rice Krispies Treats Milk Chocolate Creme Egg
Where I found it: Target
What I paid: $4.99 for a 6-pack
My thoughts: It’s a big Easter for Rice Krispies Treats-flavored candy. While Peeps tried to infuse the flavor into a bunch of marshmallow chicks, Rice Krispies Treats Milk Chocolate Creme Egg didn’t mess around and included all the elements of a Rice Krispies Treat inside a chocolate egg. There’s a marshmallow creme. There’s crackly rice. It’s a good thing you only get six of these in a pack since I would’ve kept eating them.
Final verdict: BUY**

Kit Kat Bunnies
Where I found it: Target
What I paid: $4.79 for a 8.85 oz. bag
My thoughts: There’s no trick to these Kit Kat Bunnies. They’re a classic Kit Kat candy bar but in the form of an adorable bunny. (Seriously, look at these guys. They. Are. S’cute.) But this form factor is perfect for a Kit Kat! Instead of breaking a Kit Kat bar into two pieces and pretending you’re only going to eat one, the bunny shape (like the bear shapes for Valentine’s Day) creates the perfect ratio of crisp wafer to milk chocolate.
Final verdict: BUY

M&Ms Easter Sundae
Where I found it: Target
What I paid: $5.19 for a 7.44 oz. bag
My thoughts: These are depressing looking M&Ms. You’d think that for Easter, the signature seasonal M&Ms flavor would come in bright, pastel colors. Nope. They’re a murky red, brown and beige. Happy Easter, everyone. I do enjoy getting both dark chocolate and milk chocolate in the same M&Ms candy — but not enough to keep buying the Easter Sundae M&Ms.
Final verdict: PASS

Nerds Hoppin’ Easter Gummy Clusters
Where I found it: Target
What I paid: $4.29 for an 8 oz. bag
My thoughts: You know that gif of Keanu Reeves declaring his love for movies? That’s me but with Nerds Gummy Clusters. I love them. Any and every flavor. During one of our Target trips, my daughter was incredibly impressed that they were giving out free samples of Nerds Gummy Clusters. And despite my continued effort to eat better and be mindful of my health, I can’t stop eating this candy. The Hoppin’ variety is another hit in a growing line of hits for Nerds Gummy Clusters. They’re a delicious and beautiful addition to any Easter basket.
Final verdict: BUY. BUY AGAIN.
*My wife really liked the Rice Krispies Peeps.
**My wife was not a fan of Rice Krispies Treats Milk Chocolate Creme Egg.
Copyediting by Tim Kuchman.
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